alarm-ringing ambulance angle2 archive arrow-down arrow-left arrow-right arrow-up at-sign baby baby2 bag binoculars book-open book2 bookmark2 bubble calendar-check calendar-empty camera2 cart chart-growth check chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up circle-minus circle city clapboard-play clipboard-empty clipboard-text clock clock2 cloud-download cloud-windy cloud clubs cog cross crown cube youtube diamond4 diamonds drop-crossed drop2 earth ellipsis envelope-open envelope exclamation eye-dropper eye facebook file-empty fire flag2 flare foursquare gift glasses google graph hammer-wrench heart-pulse heart home instagram joystick lamp layers lifebuoy link linkedin list lock magic-wand map-marker map medal-empty menu microscope minus moon mustache-glasses paper-plane paperclip papers pen pencil pie-chart pinterest plus-circle plus power printer pushpin question rain reading receipt recycle reminder sad shield-check smartphone smile soccer spades speed-medium spotlights star-empty star-half star store sun-glasses sun tag telephone thumbs-down thumbs-up tree tumblr twitter tiktok wechat user users wheelchair write yelp youtube

Get Ready For Your Visit

We are so excited to see you for your appointment! For your safety and ours, please review and complete the information below. This is required before your visit.

  • Text us a picture of your updated insurance card and driver’s license (front and back) to 605-734-5613. This private information will be securely stored in your file.
  • Update your information on our Secure Online Portal HERE. If we did not email or text you login info, please let us know.
  • Please sign here if you haven’t already done so: SIGN NOW
  • We have a new instrument that takes widefield photos and scans of the inside of the eyes. It is a safe and touchless way to evaluate the health of the eyes by giving us a good look at the retina and optic nerve. This portion of the exam costs $39. This is NOT usually covered by insurance. Our doctors are requesting ALL patients to have this imaging annually. Click HERE for more info.
  • Browse our frame selection HERE– Text us your favorites so we can have them ready for you!

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We are happy to walk you through any of these steps, just give us a call at 605-734-5613.